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Tuition & Fees | Bismarck State College

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Tuition & Fees

Tuition & Fees

Understand your costs

The information on this page provides students a breakdown of Bismarck State College's Tuition and Fee Rates per Academic Year. An Academic Year consists of Fall, Spring and Summer terms.

Tuition and Mandatory Fee information provided on this page is based on a per credit basis. Mandatory Fees are capped at 12 credits per term. There is no cap on tuition.

Distance Fee

For any billing questions, please contact the Student Finance office via the following:

701-224-5533 (last name A-H)
701-224-5691 (last name I-R)
701-224-5706 (last name S-Z)

The tuition and fees noted here were in effect at the time of posting. These costs are subject to change without notice. They may not be regarded in the nature of a binding obligation between students and Bismarck State College. Verbal estimates of costs are provided based on general information received and are not considered a binding obligation.